Laser-Assisted Implant Dentistry
Incisions for Traditional Implant Surgery
Replace your scalpel with a DEKARM Smart™ CO2 Laser pulsed by UltraSpeed™ and revolutionize your implant practice. Maintain precision and reduce bleeding during the procedure while also improving patient comfort and enhancing healing post operatively.
Incision for sinus lift with DEKA surgical handpiece with 120 mirrored tip
Virtually bloodless surgical field after DEKA CO2 laser incision
The new age of minimally invasive soft tissue surgery is HERE!
Tissue Punch for Flapless Implant Surgery
Achieve the ultimate minimally-invasive implant surgery by utilizing the DEKA Smart CO2 laser for tissue punches.
Gently sculpt tissue for ideal emergence profile on immediate temporaries
Initial tissue punch
Completing the osteotomy
Implant in place
Immediate temporization
Implant Uncovering
With the proprietary UltraSpeed pulse, the DEKA Smart CO2 laser preserves surrounding tissue during implant uncovering and enables immediate impressions with proper emergence profile - saving you and your patient valuable chair time.
Locate the implant for stage 2 surgery
Begin implant uncovering with handpiece with 120 mirror
Place healing collar or take impression at stage two surgery to save chair time
Peri-Implantitis Treatment
Rescue failing implants otherwise requiring extraction, bone grafting and replacement by decontaminating the implant surface with the DEKA Smart CO2 laser. It’s a simple way to enhance both patient care and implant practice profitability.
Initial radiograph
Decontamination with DEKA Smart CO2 laser
60 Day post operative radiograph
Powered by UltraSpeed
DEKA’s proprietary UltraSpeed pulse combines power and gentleness for quick ablation with no charring - just a small band of coagulation that seals blood vessels, nerve endings and lymphatics
With a peak power of 150W, the DEKA Smart CO2 has a very quick and precise ablation of soft tissue. The UltraSpeed pulse creates a tail of energy after the short but intense peak pulse, designed with enough thermal relaxation time, to allow the surrounding tissue to dissipate the heat and go back to rest before the next pulse.
For example, at 100 hertz (100 pulses per second) and Level 10 (10% duty cycle) the laser is only on (t-on) for 10% of each of the 100 pulses and off (-off) for 90% of each of the 100 pulses. The time off provides the thermal relaxation time needed by the irradiated tissue to lose 50% of the delivered energy (heat), without any heat conduction to the surrounding tissues.
Why CO2?
The Erbium laser (2,940nm) has the highest co-efficient of absorption in water of any of the lasers used in dentistry, however there is so much absorption that there is no residual heat energy for coagulation in soft tissue. CO2 has a 98% absorption rate in soft tissue and the remaining 2% provides the lateral thermal spread that seals blood vessels, seals nerve endings and seals lymphatics.
For any laser to be therapeutic it must be well absorbed by the target tissue. Since oral soft tissue is 90-95% water, CO2 (10,600nm) is the preferred wavelength for soft tissue procedures because of its superior co-efficient characteristics into water and excellent homeostasis properties.CO2 ablates tissue very efficiently and virtually no energy penetrates beyond 0.1mm17 while ND:YAG (1,064nm), with Melanin as its main chromophore, has a penetration depth of 3-4mm.
810mm diode laser cut in soft tissue. Scale: 1.5mm
DEKA Smart CO2 laser pulsed by UltraSpeed incision in soft tissue. Scale: 1mm
Smart US-20D CO2 Laser
The Smart US-20D CO2 laser offers the practitioner the ultimate in soft tissue therapies and treatments in all areas of General Dentistry, Periodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Through its innovative design, its technical capabilities, and its versatile user programs, this laser has become the “workhorse” in the dental practice. The Smart US-20D is the only CO2 laser that incorporates all facilities for absolute accuracy in micro-surgical applications coupled with total efficiency in the speed of energy transmission, resulting in optimal clinical conditions and prognoses for post-operative recovery.
SmartPerio 10W Nd:YAG Laser
The DEKA SmartPerio 10W Nd:YAG Laser represents state-of-the-art Nd:YAG laser technology for a wide variety of applications in dentistry. This innovative technology provides clinicians with increased speed, precision, and optimal clinical performance.
SmartXide Ultraspeed2 CO2 Laser
The SmartXide Ultraspeed2 CO2 laser system offers the practitioner the ultimate in soft tissue therapies and treatments in all areas of General Dentistry, Maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontics, Endodontics, Implantology, Facial Aesthetic, and Sleep Dentistry. Through its unmatched speed, its technical capabilities and its versatility, which is due to the availability of multiple pulse shapes, this laser system has become a “workhorse” in the dental practice.
All the features of the US-20D CO2 Laser, Plus: